
All posts tagged Marriage

Reposting of What to Look For In A Guy!

Published 06/10/2014 by Dani B.

Okay, so I’m browsing on tumblr and I see a quote that I loved about finding the right man to marry. Then I clicked on the link and came up on this whole article! Please read and enjoy!


One secret to a happy life: finding the right guy you should date or even marry and this is no easy task. Here is a good advice from a father to his daughter in finding someone that is just fit for her. Afterall, it is your father who watched you grow and thus he wants you to fall into the right hands. This is sweet and touching at the same time. A father’s recipe for the right guy.

1. Date a boy who makes you happy, but marry him only if he makes you laugh deep-belly rumbles that hurt your ribs as they expand outwards. Date him when he sees that you’re hurting and he gives you a moment to feel that pain like a handprint spreading across your consciousness, marry him only if he can make you smile even while you’re gross sobbing. The world is not a kind place. You will feel a lot of pain. Make sure you are with someone who makes it all bearable. Humor is an excellent gauge of intelligence. Life gets boring. Find someone who makes the banal interesting.

2. Make sure he has scars on the back of his hands, it’s a good sign he has experience either fighting or making things – creation is an act of selflessness and bruised knuckles are a good sign he knows how to defend himself. You’ve got too much soul to be handled by someone who has never been passionate. If he’s never thrown a punch, let him at least have tasted the insanity of bringing an idea into existence. Rough palms are better than soft ones, they have been salted by this earth and made into leather. Callouses are evidence he has lived, that he has broken skin and been in pain over and over and over again and still came back to the source of it. People rub against each other. Don’t marry him if he can’t handle even a little blister.

3. Before you say yes, get him angry. See him scared, see him wanting, see him sick. Stress changes a person. Find out if he drinks and if he does, get him drunk – you’ll learn more about his sober thoughts. Discover his addictions. See if he puts you in front of them. You can’t change people, baby girl. If they are made one way, it doesn’t just wear off. If you hate how he acts when he’s out of it now, you’re going to hate it much worse eight years down the road. You might love him to bits but it doesn’t change that some people just don’t fit.

4. Trust your instincts. If he ever makes you feel unsafe, don’t make excuses, just get up and leave. That’s all there is to it. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

5. If he puts money before you, he’ll keep pushing you to the bottom of the pile until you become his last priority. It’s one thing if he can’t afford what you want, it’s another if he has the cash but won’t spring for a box of chicken mcnuggets. Money and love are arch enemies. 62% of divorces occur due to economic strain. Make sure keeping you is more important than his 401k.

6. How a man treats animals is a good indicator of how he treats children. If you see him raise a hand to a dog, pack your things into a little black bag. Animals at their worst are only half as annoying as a toddler on their best behaviour. Your kids will be beautiful, but they will also misbehave. Same goes for waiters and hotel maids – if he’s rude to those who are working for minimum wage, it says a lot about how he sees himself. Patience is rare and so important. If he’s not forgiving to a dog, he’s not good for your kids.

7. If he isn’t in awe of you, he doesn’t deserve you. You are my little girl and you were born perfect. If he can’t see that, it’s his loss. There is someone who thinks your flaws power his heart. Be strong. If he asks you to change, be like like rock of your birthstone, do not waver. You are wondrous just the way that you are.

Things I Learned from Relationships

Published 10/21/2013 by Dani B.

My significant other does a list like this for RAW (on Mondays) and Scandal (on Thursdays) on , so I decided that I would do one on Relationships…or whatever topic I decide for myself 🙂

They are in no particular order….just whatever pops in my head!

  1. Respect is needed, required, demanded. If you don’t have respect, you don’t have a relationship.
  2. Communication is a key to most successful relationships. Learn how to verbally and non verbally communicate. Only because you SAY something, your BODY might be saying something else.
  3. You way of loving and the other person way of loving is different. Set your standards and expectations and let it be known from the jump. Don’t feel bad for having high standards. Just make sure you are bringing the same amount if not more to the table.
  4. It is completely okay to date for marriage. That is what you are supposed to do. You are supposed to date and have relationships to find a suitable mate for marriage. Do I believe you should just go around and have sex everywhere with everyone? Not my body, not my say, my opinion don’t matter. Just be comfortable in what you do.
  5. You have to set boundaries in your relationships with your friends, families, associates, etc. If you don’t let them know from the jump, difficulties in your relationships can happen and will happen.
  6. Secrets, secret actions, notes, motives, etc. that are against each other will  kill relationships……slowly
  7. You learn who are really are in a relationship. Sometimes being intimate (not always sexually) sometimes shines a better light on who you are.
  8. Compromise is the biggest word and the hardest action you will learned and do in relationships. You might not like it but you will have to do it
  9. In order to have a fun and happy relationship, you need to keep it fun and fresh. Do different things once a month or once a week. Don’t allow the relationship to go stale. This is when infidelity happens.
  10. Learn to let ish go. Not all things that make you upset deserve an argument. Yeah, discuss it, talk it about (in the right way) but don’t have an argument. Choose your battles.
  11. You can’t change anyone. Stop it. If you want the perfect person, be alone. Go back to #8 and #1.
  12. Do things together (pray, meditate, shop, etc) but learn to spend some time apart (I’m still working on this! lol)
  13. Leave the past alone. Throw away, burn, shred, whatever things from the past. If you really wanted it, you would have stayed and made it work. Throw away those love letters, poems, cards, etc..just let it go!
  14. Learn to forgive and not forget the LESSON behind what happened.
  15. “I’m Sorry” and “I love you” will be two phrases you need to learn to say and mean when you say it.
  16. Sometimes you are not your significant other’s best friend. Be okay with that or you’ll have problems because of jealousy.

I liked doing this list 🙂